Performance Under Pressure
Sold as Pair with a Sticker
.975" Dia x .60" High (24.8mm Dia x 15.24mm High)
- Harder KranK durometer bushings (96a & 93a) are for heavier-weight riders (over 140lbs) as harder durometer bushings allow for a nice tight set-up
- Medium KranK durometer bushings (90a - 87a) are for medium-weight riders (100 - 140lbs)
- Softer KranK durometer bushings (84a) are best for lightweight riders (50 - 100lbs) as well as for those looking for a looser setup in the RoadSide position when coupled with a harder duro bushing.
PLEASE NOTE: The KranK Formula has quite a bit of adjustability - so order accordingly! You can tighten the kingpin nut up to two full turns to 'harden' or 'loosen' the duro.
Excellent when used as a Double Barrel combo - but incredibly fun and variable when used in the Roadside position in combo with other shapes & or duro's in the Boardside position.
All shapes & sizes of RipTide Bushings are available in the KranK formula!